Excedrin Head Pain

An in-depth Reuters feature on migraines, in partnership with Excedrin. Complete "hub" destination with several content pieces developed and hosted on reuters.com. All features are fully responsive and traffic was driven by means of native, social and custom "Canvas" units.

Destination hub page, desktop breakpoint

In partnering with an agency to develop video and infographic content, the main destination highlights several aspects of migraine causes and treatments. Our goal was to engage the user and encourage them to dig deeper into the subject matter.

Article page, tablet and mobile breakpoints

Each content piece was hosted on a unique article page to maximize visibility and curate recirculation to related Excedrin and Reuters content. Presented here at tablet and mobile screen sizes.

Interactive "Canvas" carousel-style ad unit

Appearing in-between articles in the Reuters article stream, this responsive half-height unit brings Excedrin's featured content to the user in a carousel format. View the full interactive creative (please disable any ad blockers).