
Square was heavily engaged with Parsec during the quarantine period of 2020. Working with the Square team at Giant Spoon, I designed and pitched a heap of concepts which were ultimately flighted throughout the year. I built creatives leveraging many different interactions including carousels, hotspots, autoplay video, parallax sliders, and tabbed navigation - as well as some experimental formats like full-frame video that proved strong performers and gave us more insights to attentive video.

These units amplified Square's messaging around products and services for local small businesses. Our successful partnership yielded several continual renewals, which in large part kept Parsec's doors open during 2020's challenging climate.

Hotspots - Tabbed Nav - On-scroll

Interactive approaches like Hotspots and Tabbed Navigation enabled us to communicate the breadth of Square's services while maintaining excellent engagment rates and time-on-screen. Click or tap to play these demos.

Additional Units

In maintaining momentum across flights and campaigns, I had produced dozens of variations on creative and interaction to target specific audiences and to minimize creative fatigue.