
TrackCC provides an integrated toolkit for educators to manage class grading, student behavior, and to navigate Common Core curriculums. It also enables parents and students to view their progress, records and messages from their teachers. I am responsible for product creative direction and brand development.

App panels, iPhone

The TrackCC app is built responsively on iOS and Android platforms. Continually iterating based on testing results and user feedback, our aim is to provide an interface that enables teachers to complete classroom management tasks as comfortably and efficiently as possible.

My Classes panel, iPad


The TrackCC homepage presents the company's mission and product features to prospective customers. It also serves as the gateway to an alternate desktop interface to nearly all of the TrackCC app's functions. View the full site.

Product features page,

This section provides a detailed overview of features available to teachers, as well as a pricing guide and callout to begin a trial or paid subscription.

Attendance interface,

Borrowing elements from the apps for continuity, the web interface calls for a fundamentally different approach to effectively leverage larger displays and keyboard+mouse input.